[Comment "auto-generated from "]
[Event "?"] 
[Site "?"] 
[Date "????.??.??"] 
[Round "?"] 
[White "New game"] 
[Black "?"] 
[Result "*"] 
[PlyCount "22"] 
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. Be2 O-O 8. 
Qd2 Nc6 9. O-O-O Ng4 {Jones recommendation} (9... Nxd4 10. Bxd4 Be6 11. Kb1 { 
is slightly better for white}) (9... d5 10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. exd5 Nxd5 12. Nxd5 
cxd5 13. Qxd5 Qc7 14. Qxa8 Bf5 15. Qxf8+ Kxf8 16. Bd3 {is better for white. 
Note that is the fpawn would have been at f3 instead of f2 Qe5 would have won 
fro black.}) 10. Bxg4 Bxg4 11. f3 Bd7 {this is the startning position of 
theory when both mainlines include moves like Kb1 or h4 with equal chanses.} *