a certified ProStores developer

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ProStores by Jesseo

Jesseo's search engine marketing services are a must-have for any serious ProStores website.

"ProStores" is a template-driven e-commerce platform marketed towards small to medium sized online businesses. However, because of its proprietary programing language, ssml, its pieced-together template construction and limited access to its mysql database, ProStores is difficult for many seo companies to optimize correctly. Our company focuses exclusively on optimization of ProStores web sites.


Our search engine marketing services are tailored to the ProStores platform. Most seo companies are unfamiliar with the most basic elements of the software, namely the ssml programing language. We are fluent with the store script markup language. We have collaborated with industry-leading search engine optimization programers and worked with the sharpest ProStores programers and largest merchants to refine our seo approach with ProStores sites.

Jesseo has developed optimization techniques & coding strategies which succinctly maximizes the ProStores database and template configuration. We optimize every element of your ProStores store and aim to gain top placement for each of the store's products and categories.

What's the next step? - Request an seo review by Jesseo



SSML sample code
installing google analytics
50 tips to increase conversion rates

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